- The care for the Environment and the Health and Safety of our employees, is a founding value for ERREGIERRE.
- We strive to be fully compliant with HSE Legislation troughout our Integrated Management System.
- ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Certified.

- Process Safety studies (HAZOP)
- Breathable air system installed in our manufacturing premises to completely eliminate exposure to solvents vapour and API dust.
- REACH compliance
- Continuos Training Activities for all the employees with a focus on the EHS Representatives
- State of the art waste water treatment by activated sludge plant .
- Daily analysis of our water effluents.
- Constant effort to replace dangerous solvents through our R&D studies.
- For years we have been eliminating the volatile residues from our plants through the after-burner.
- This system of abatement of harmful air emissions is also remotely controlled and complies with the European Regulations concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC).

Erregierre is aware that some of its productive activities imply dangerous substances and processes which might involve risks of environmental impacts and on workers’ health and safety.
Erregierre recognizes that workers’ health, safety and psycho-physical wellbeing and the environmental safeguard are indispensable resources and deserve any effort and attention to preserve their integrity at any time.
To guarantee the safeguard of the operators and the surrounding environment a thorough knowledge of the production processes, related risks and potential environmental impact that may derive from unpredictable events is essential; a properly trained staff, the handling and the upgrading of manufacturing plants and equipments in accordance to the highest standards of quality and safety, and a constant effort in process optimization activities are also needed: Erregierre’s economical interests will never prevail on these basic aspects.
For these reasons, Erregierre has reached and maintains certification of integrated management system for environmental protection and safety in the workplace, developed in accordance with international standards UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 (Environment) and UNI ISO 45001:2018 (Safety).
The integrated management system for environment and safety is an integral part of the general managerial system of the productive site in San Paolo d’Argon and Sovere.
“Every company involved in the industrial productive processes should have the theme of sustainability at heart. In the case of the chemical-pharmaceutical industry this becomes a moral duty”.
The most appropriate processes are selected from the very initial phases of the projects development in order to reduce the use of hazardous or toxic substances and to minimize any emission of pollutants into the environment.